From "n00b" To Engineer In One Year

I am joining Red Hat as a Associate Software Engineer. By Lynn Root (Founder, PyLadies San Francisco) It is my great pleasure (and squee!) to share with my friends, family, PyLadies, Twitter nerds, Women Who Code’rs, DevChixen, Systers, and everyone else that I can...
From “n00b” To Engineer In One Year

From “n00b” To Engineer In One Year

I am joining Red Hat as a Associate Software Engineer. By Lynn Root (Founder, PyLadies San Francisco) It is my great pleasure (and squee!) to share with my friends, family, PyLadies, Twitter nerds, Women Who Code’rs, DevChixen, Systers, and everyone else that I can...
How To Brainstorm A Conference Talk Proposal

How To Brainstorm A Conference Talk Proposal

It is not important that you haven’t spoke at PyCon or another conference before. But do prove that why you should now. Taken from Brainstorming: Writing a PyCon Proposal. By Lynn Root (Founder, PyLadies San Francisco) While this post is for PyCon, the US-based...