Where The Girls Aren’t

First, I must apologize for the subtitle of this article. Women are not girls.But I’m a film fan and the reference is simply a play on words about this 1960 movie. We’ve come a long way, baby (another 1960’s pop culture reference — to one of the most obnoxious...

How the Hell Did Gender Inequality Happen? Let’s Rewind

We’ve been working towards gender inequality in board rooms, engineering teams and tech startups our whole lives. By Ellen Petry Leanse (Technology Strategist and Leadership Coach) A few days back my friend “Q” posted a pic of his two tousle-haired kids on his...

Why Feminism Needs Men (and Boys) on Board

Feminism isn’t a ‘female’ issue – it’s everyone’s – and that’s why it needs support from men as well as women. By Debra Walton (Chief Content Officer, Thomson Reuters) A lot has been said about gender inequality and the things we...