Diversity is a broken product in tech. FIX IT.

Diversity is a broken product in tech. FIX IT.

“Are we still living in a time where a woman could be seen as too ambitious? ” asks Alison Taffel Rabinowitz By Bo Ren, Product Manager, Tumblr Please note: my last day at Facebook was Friday, July 8th, 2016. I am no longer a Facebook employee nor am I...

Lean In Too Far and Fall Flat On Your Face

Does over-discussing the gender gap do women more harm than good? By Rohini Vibha (Product Manager, Livefyre) When I was three, my grandpa took me on a tour of San Francisco via tram (it had to be like Full House). We got on, and I sat down next to a woman. She and I...

Changing Silicon Valley’s Frat Boy Culture

However hard they may be clinging to the past, it’s time for Silicon Valley’s men to wake up to the fact that their boys’ club culture is dying out as the gender gap slowly, but surely, closes. By Vivek Wadhwa (Academic & Author, “The Immigrant Exodus: Why America...