3 Things Entrepreneurs Must Make Time for to Succeed

It turns out that giving yourself a break pays huge dividends for your business. By Jen Helms (Co-founder, Playmation Studios) As entrepreneurs, we have to be effective with our time no matter what we’re doing. We try to optimize everything from scheduling meetings in...

5 Advantages of Startups for Working Moms

Parenthood and startup life can be remarkably productive bedfellows. By Julie Casson (Global Marketing Director, Inbenta) Like all new families, welcoming a child into your life changes things — big time! When my son was born, I knew I had to reprioritize but instead...

Danielle Fong: Perfecting Green Energy Storage

She entered college at age 12 and enrolled in a Ph.D. program at 17. Now, Danielle Fong wants to solve the ‘holy grail’ of green energy issues. By Sarah F. Berkowitz (Contributor, Mother Nature Network) Danielle Fong was only 19 years old when she founded...