Why Productivity Hacks Make Your Team Less Productive

Why Productivity Hacks Make Your Team Less Productive

Following every productivity hack you can find? That might be why you’re failing. By Kayla Matthews (Productivity Writer) The internet is chock-full of common productivity tips that, at first glance, seem easy to follow. They instruct you to organize your inbox...

5 Advantages of Startups for Working Moms

Parenthood and startup life can be remarkably productive bedfellows. By Julie Casson (Global Marketing Director, Inbenta) Like all new families, welcoming a child into your life changes things — big time! When my son was born, I knew I had to reprioritize but instead...

5 Simple Ways to Save Yourself Up to 20 Hours a Week

It’s amazing what you can do with time you thought you didn’t have. By Brittany Hodak (Co-founder, ZinePak) This post has also appeared on Startup Collective and WeWork’s digital magazine. By now, it’s become pretty commonly accepted that multitasking is bad. While...

9 Productivity Tips for Your Inbox

Want to spend less time emailing and more time achieving? Here’s how to better manage your inbox to do just that. By Kayla Matthews (Productivity Writer) Emails are constantly rolling in. If not managed expertly, one’s inbox can quickly become overwhelming. Even in...

5 Productivity Apps You Need to Try Today

Check out these five women-powered productivity app companies that boost your productivity! By Angie Chang (Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Women 2.0) Who doesn’t love a good list, especially a list of to-do’s? Now add the power of new technology to the...