The Women 2.0 Conference Rocked My World

Exchanging information, celebrating each other’s successes, the act of learning as a group – all this collective experience feels like a powerful counteraction to the plain-as-day fact that startup culture is not exactly women-friendly. By Angelina Strosahl...
DonationPay on Social Good and How We Got Started (Part 2)

DonationPay on Social Good and How We Got Started (Part 2)

By Angelina Strosahl (Co-Founder, DonationPay) Being a mission-based business that is in the process of expansion can be a tricky minefield to navigate. Staying true to our vision of the company, product and service is difficult when you’re also weighing all the...
DonationPay on Social Good and How We Got Started (Part 2)

DonationPay: Now An Astia Company

By Angelina Strosahl (Co-Founder, DonationPay) During the past few months, we’ve been in the (strenuous but enjoyable) process of applying to join the 2011 Astia cohort and we were incredibly delighted and honored last week to be asked to join the Astia Portfolio....