

Results for "marian mangoubi"


What Pink Ghetto? Women Start Technology Companies

By Marian Mangoubi (Founder & CEO, Sassy CEO)
There’s an image of entrepreneurial women focusing on their startups on beauty, shopping, and fashion ("Pink Ghetto"). However, after a year of studying tech companies founded by women, I can say emphatically that this is a misrepresentation.

Last year around this time there was a lot of discussion, “where are all the women in tech?” Each time I heard or read this. I noticed there were never statistics provided on the number of tech companies founded by women.


12 Women Tech Entrepreneurs in the Windy City

By Marian Mangoubi (Founder & CEO, Sassy CEO)
Across the nation, you can see and feel the rise of the entrepreneurial spirit. Companies are blooming, many started by women, and public/private partnerships are being created to help new entrepreneurs maneuver the path to success.

What kind of startups depends on where you live. The West Coast has a lot of software and app development, and the East Coast fashion and media. But where does that leave us in the Midwest? Interestingly enough, in a good position.

Here in the Windy City you’ll find healthcare, clean energy, media, consumer-oriented, and software companies. We have the full-gamut. And yes, there are women tech entrepreneurs in that mix.

Why haven't we heard of these rockstar women entrepreneurs before? Well, truth-be-told, we’re often working heads down on creating and building out our businesses that we forget to market ourselves outside of the Windy City.

But that is all changing. There is a movement building amongst many gals in tech here to make our voices be known. We don’t want to just be at the table. Rather, we want to be leading the discussions.

Here are 12 Midwest Superstar Women Entrepreneurs:
Betsy Huigens (Founder, BlueLight App)
The BlueLight app, an iPhone safety app, is a must have for everyone. It offers the user a way to feel safe without having to compromise privacy or independence. It has been dubbed the “call me when you get there 2.0” and received venture capital funding from Sandbox Industries. Follow her startup on Twitter at @BlueLightApp.

Hallie Steube (Founder, BookYap)
Hallie Steube is an avid reader who was always looking for a new book to read and wanted to find a way to emulate the offline book browsing experience online. When she couldn’t find a site that offered this experience, she decided to create BookYap, a web-based application that offers smart book recommendations based on your interests. She received venture capital funding from Sandbox Industries, a Chicago-based venture capital and incubator firm. Follow her on Twitter at @HallieSteube and her startup at @BookYap.